Tag: Soundtrack Reviews
Soundtrack Reviews + Major Site Changes

Up are reviews of Silva Screen’s Doctor Who: 50th Anniversary Collection 2-disc set and music from Roger Limb’s Doctor Who: The Caves of Androzani, plus an Editor’s Alert regarding a major site overhaul, of which the first changes begin tomorrow.
Soundtrack Reviews

Just uploaded is a quartet of soundtrack reviews: Sarah Class’ score for the 2013 BBC series Africa (Silva Screen), Joseph Bishara’s eerie soundscape for The Conjuring (La-La Land Records), Hanan Townhsend’s hypnotic music for Terence Malick’s To the Wonder and Nathan Fursts’ score for Waiting for Lightning (both from Lakeshore Records).
Animated TV Soundtracks

Reviews of three soundtracks from animated TV series released by La-La Land: Shirley Walker’s Batman: The Animated Series (Second Edition), Kevin Kliesch’s Thundercats, and Young Justice by Kristopher Carter, Michael McCuistion, and Lolita Ritmanis.
George Fenton’s Frozen Planet

Slight pause this past weekend on the reviewing to make room for the editing (and completion) of my entry for the 2013 Toronto Urban Film Festival / TUFF, which challenges filmmakers to reveal an aspect of urban life within 60 seconds. The winners will play in the TTC’s information displays – those monitors with news, […]
Soundtrack Reviews: Renewed Franchises

Franchises are both a boon for the studios wanting to expand the lifespan of an existing franchises, as well as composers who get a crack at tackling an iconic series, remake, or re-imagining. Just uploaded is a review of Bear McCreary’s Battlestar Galactia: Blood & Chrome, and Roque Banos’ superb Evil Dead (both from La-La Land Records).
Atli Örvarsson’s Hansel & Gretel + Liquid Puppetry

Just uploaded is a soundtrack review of Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters, the latest film by Dead Snow director Tommy Wirkola, which opens January 25. Also up: a podcast interview with Hansel and Gretel composer Atli Örvarsson, and an update on my current short-short film (er, editing exercise), Liquid Puppetry, filmed in Newvicon-o-vision-o-rama, with teasing frame grabs.
Soundtrack Reviews

Just uplaoded: soundtrack reviews of Ernest Gold’s Ship of Fools (Monstrous Movie Music), Franz Waxman’s Crime in the Streets (Varese), and from La-La Land Records we have Dimitri Tiomkin’s The Fall of the Roman Empire, Victor Young’s Shane, and J.C. Zamecnik’s Wings.
Soundtrack Reviews: A Quintet of Heroes

CD reviews of Thomas Newman’s Skyfall (Sony), plus from La-La Land we have Hans Zimmer’s Black Rain (1989), James Horner’s Krull, David Newman’s The Phantom (1996), and John Ottman’s X2: X-Men United.
Video Game Soundtracks + Composer Interview

Podcast interview with composer / orchestrator Penka Kouneva regarding her latest CD, A Warrior’s Journey (Howlin’ Wolfe Records) plus reviews of UBISOFT’s double header – Assassin’s Creed III by Lorne Balfe and Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation by Winifred Phillips.
Soundtrack Reviews

Soundtrack reviews for Bill Brown’s Brother’s Keeper (MovieScore Media), Mateo Messina’s Butter, Brian Byrne’s The Good Doctor, Craig Armstrong’s In Time (all Lakeshore Records), and Nathan Johnson’s Looper (Cut Narrative / La-La-Land).
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