Tag: Winifred Phillips
Video Game Soundtracks + Composer Interview

Podcast interview with composer / orchestrator Penka Kouneva regarding her latest CD, A Warrior’s Journey (Howlin’ Wolfe Records) plus reviews of UBISOFT’s double header – Assassin’s Creed III by Lorne Balfe and Assassin’s Creed III: Liberation by Winifred Phillips.
Soundtrack Reviews + News

Reviews of four fun video game soundtracks: Bear McCreary’s SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs and Hans Zimmer & Company’s Crysis II (both from La-La Land Records), and Inon Zur’s Dragon Age II (Bioware) and Crysis (Sumthing Else), plus news regarding recent Q&As with composer Winifred Phillips (Legend of the Guardians), and Special Features producer Charles de Lauzirikia regarding Universal’s recent Legend (1984) Blu-ray…
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