Category: Vimeo channel
Best Laid Plans + Wandel’s
A review of the CBC’s recently broadcast 6-episode adaptation of Terry Fallis’ novel Best Laid Plans, set and filmed in Ottawa, and because I’m the editor, an extract of a garden video I shot in the Gatineau region.
Camera Test #102: GBC-CTC-5X + Flesh Tones
Since the basic details of the GBC CTC-5X video camera are covered in Camera Test #102, I’ll keep things a bit more brisk that in the prior Camera Test blog. If the facts start reading a wee bit dry, just skip down to the end where the YouTube + Vimeo links are located. Now then. From what I’ve managed to find in print and picture online, GBC was a U.S. company specializing in industrial-level video cameras during the late sixties […]
A Short-Short Film: “The Magic Beta Case”
The production of this short-short film was purely spontaneous: I wanted some extra tie-in between my reviews of the 2013 doc Rewind This! about VHS collecting and the history of home video, and my watching a Betamax tape of the 1987 film No Man’s Land – not the critically acclaimed 2001 Bosnian war film, but the 1987 Charlie Sheen-D.B. Sweeney suspense flick about Porsche stealers. The idea also stemmed from me preferring to make a demo video done in the antiquated […]
Camera Test #101: The Sharp QC-54 (1985)
I thought the best way to start the New Year is with a video, if not one that reflects the kind of material that’ll be appearing on this site in 2014. I’ve previously posted short tests of various trippy effects-styled videos, but one type I’m keen on adding – for now, at irregular intervals – deals with test runs of vintage cameras. You can find assorted test videos on YouTube easily, but in many cases they’re zoom-happy, out of […]
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